Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What a Mess!!!!!

Wow! Where to begin.. So much has happened since the last time I was able to blog but just to bring you up to speed on a couple of the reasons why we were unable to visit with family this past weekend and let ya know what's going on with us. Chris' house was being leased by one of his "friends". The lease was up and they wanted to buy, the last we heard three weeks ago they were approved for the loan and signing the papers which we thought was wonderful, well we were wrong... A little over a week ago we found out that not only were they NOT buying the house but they had moved out a week before and totally destroyed the place. Neither of us even had time to work last week because we were trying to clean the place up and get it on the market. It's starting to take shape after many hours of work and will hopefully be ready for the Open House on sunday. In between all that time we have also had football games, church, missions meetings, missions fundraisers, etc... so our lives have been very stressful the last couple of weeks. We are praying that the house sells soon and that problem is out of our hair for good. It wouldn't hurt our feelings any if we made a little money too... :+)


Monday, October 6, 2008

Tyler and Alex Homecoming 2008

Tyler got to escort Taleese Smith (who was crowned Homecoming Queen later that night) on friday during the Homecoming Parade and festivities at school. It was pretty special because Taleese was his first girlfriend in Kindergarten and they were best friends forever. Even out of school we always had them together doing stuff while they were growing up. Taleese recently lost her father to cancer so it was nice to see something good happen for her.
She's a beautiful girl....
Alex and his friend Dakota basically did all the work on their 10th grade float (which explains a lot)ha ha so I got some pictures of him too.. Actually Chris took the pictures. I took video.... I gotta give him some credit... Alex is wearing a pirate hat in the pics and holding a sign that says "Wanna Box?" That's Dakota in the wig and his friend Cali holding the Crunch Berries..


The Football Situation

Looks like the footall situation with Tyler might be getting a little bit better... FINALLY..
He is getting to play more and supposedly the coaches apologized to him today for not
using him more after his performance friday night... I hope they weren't just speaking empty words to him again because he will be heartbroken and I will be mad... lol

We also got a few pictures of Corey playing that I posted for you guys to see....
They are both #22...


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More than Conquerors

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written,

“For your sake we are being killed all the day long;
we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.”

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:35-39

Wow what a powerful verse and how it hits so close to home. When are we going to stand up as God's children and realize that we are aren't just conquerors we are MORE than conquerors.
What is a conqueror? Webster's defines conqueror as the following.. overcome by force of arms to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition <conquered the mountain> 4 : to overcome by mental or moral power : intransitive verb : to be victorious

So that means that according to Romans we have the power to overcome anything the devil brings our way whether it be mental, physical, financial, etc... his word says that not only can we conquer those things but that we can even be more than that.. I don't know about you but that excites me. When satan tries to tell us we are no good, that we are never going to get that healing we have been praying for, that our finances will never get better, that whatever situation we are facing is hopeless we can combat his lies with these promises from our Heavenly Father. He has already given us all the tools we need. We just have to realize who we are in Christ and the authority we have through his blood and defeat every negative thought and circumstance that comes our way.
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." [2 Corinthians 10:4-5]


Monday, September 29, 2008

Saving a Bundle

Chris and I are a part of a work at home company that has saved us quite a bit of money and we are also well on our way making some great money as well...
So far I have cut my house insurance in half, reduced my house payment, almost cut our car insurance in half, saved over a thousand dollars on furniture, received cash back on several purchases for everyday expenses just to name a few of the perks... If you are a small business owner there are defintely even more benefits.
I am definitely NOT a salesperson and this is the perfect job for me because there is no selling required... there are no products for people to purchase on a monthly basis or points to earn etc... It's not a "get-rich quick" scheme that so many people try to push on people.
It is simply a way for people to make money and save money and that is something I feel good about sharing. Especially if it can help people out in today's economy.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Not much new to talk about

I haven't posted anything since the weekend because we have been so busy and there really isn't a whole lot new to say... We are looking forward to finding out if we are going to be chosen to go on a missions trip with our church. If so, we have a lot of fundraising to do for four people. The two trips this year are to Bolivia and Ecuador. It doesn't really matter which one we get to go on, we are just excited about going. In July 2007, I had the privilege of going to Ecuador. It was beautiful and a life-changing experience. The things that happened there were beyond belief and I know without a doubt that it was God's will for me to be there at that particular place and time.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sometimes Coaches make no sense

Okay this one is more for me to just vent than anything. I am so angry with Tyler's coaches. And I promise I am not just being another one of those angry, complaining parents that gripe about everything.I think I have a legitimate reason here...
His coaches who are supposed to be "role models" do nothing but give him a very bad example of how to treat people. Oh, don't get me wrong they do teach him some things....
1. That no matter how hard you work for something or how much time and effort you put into it that it does no good and you get nothing for it in return.
2. That it's okay for people in authoritative positions to lie as long as it works out okay for them.
3. That it's okay to play favorites and intentionally lie and hurt people's feelings.
Those are some great life lessons for him to learn. Hopefully he doesn't put to use any of these great traits he has seen lived out through them.
Don't get me wrong, I know my son isn't the star of the team, but he is good and he's a senior. He has paid his dues, broken bones for sake of the sport, rebroken the same bones trying to get back in the game, worked 3 jobs over the summer, attended every workout, every practice, got praised repeatedly but when it comes down to it his mom isn't a teacher, administrator, or we don't hang out with the coaches so he gets lied to. I'm not even really complaining about the time he does or doesn't get to play. What angers me is the fact that they lie to him constantly making promises and building him up only to let him down time and time again. The way I look at it is this..
He's a good kid and does everything they ask and I just don't get why they feel the need to do him that way.
There.... I feel better now... lol


Our Family

This is our family. Chris and Tammy. Corey is 14, Alex is 15, and Tyler is 17. Tyler and Alex attend Dover High School where Alex is in 10th grade and Tyler is a senior. Corey attends Atkins High School where he is in 9th grade. Tyler and Corey both play football and Alex plays basketball. Chris is self-employed and works in the internet marketing and web design field. I am also self-employed. We are actively involved in our church (Russellville First Assembly of God) and love it there.


Just Starting

Okay, I am just getting started with this blog. I have done a little blogging on myspace but not a lot so bear with me while I try to find something interesting to say.